Don't know what to look for?
Let me help you out!
New to knives? Looking for a gift and don't know what to get? Or just curious about what all I offer? Here are just a few examples of what I can do for you! If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out via the info on the bottom of this page.

Camp Knife
Used for anything from clearing brush and trails, splitting wood for camp fire, preparing food, and other general tasks while outdoors. A great tool for everyone who enjoys the outdoors!
A necessary tool for any avid outdoors man and hunter. Used for skinning any size game animal, but can double as a tool for any and all task that would require a blade!

EDC (Every Day Carry)
Used for any and all tasks that require a bladed tool. A great knife for anyone who is a beginner into the custom knife world!
Chef Knife
An absolute necessity in any kitchen both household and professional! There are a variety of kitchen blades used for multiple tasks while cooking.